Thursday, July 16, 2009

Una semana casi entera sin dormir

Wow! This week has been crazy! Even though it didn't seem like there was that much due, I still felt exhausted. I'm not sure how much of this was due to the emotional/ controversial interactions that have taken place in some our classes, or whether it is an entirely personal feeling I've had this week. I was looking around the room this morning and noticed that even the most energetic characters seemed to be lagging. Don't blame it all on Pat's class, she's an exciting lady! : )

I have been trying to come up with ways to rejuvenate myself during this intensive program. My fear is that fall is going to be even more demanding, and that I am going to miss out on the great aspects of the program because I feel so worn out. Any body else feeling overwhelmed?


  1. Hi Kendra,

    I hear you loud and clear! And I think we're all feeling this way too. I'm worried about the fall too and can't wait for this summer to finish so we can RELAX a bit before the fall. One good way of coping is to stay physically active somehow. Try to force a quick swim in or a walk, even if it's just around the block! Get the oxygen to the brain, it helps! :)

  2. Yep. I too am feeling exhausted. It is my own fault of course because I'm not organized.. Don't worry about feeling overwelmed. I'm sure we will all get used to it.
